Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Letter To My 18 Year Old Self

Dear 18 year old Jenn,

Hello Darling. I'm going to make this short and sweet, because I know you are stressing about life. You just graduated high school and all your friends are moving away. You are confused about what to do in college, and disappointed that you're only going to a community college. My biggest word of advice...Stop worrying. Calm down. Breathe. Everything is going to be ok.

Life is never going to make sense, so stop trying to figure it out. What happens is meant to happen, and the path you are on is the right one, even if it doesn't feel like it. In time you will learn who your real friends are, who actually loves you, and who is using you for all the wrong reasons. Tell the people in your life you love them, because shortly some of them will be gone.

Stop worrying about finding a boyfriend, because by the time you are 24 you will have gone through many break ups...all these boys are douche bags though, so don't worry your pretty little head about them. Be happy being single, and just have faith that a great boy will come along soon.

Also, don't be afraid to take chances. I know you are scared at taking risks. I know you're even more scared of change. But do things while you're young and don't have as much responsibility. One day I'm sure you will be married with kiddos and wish that you did more in your young single years.

Let me tell you, at 24 you still wont have life figured out. Not even close. But you will be more ok with it. You will feel confident in your skin, your friends, your family, and just being yourself. Have faith that everything happens for a reason. And when an opportunity comes along, take it.

Spoiler alert: you will book a plane ticket to Europe on the night of November 28, 2014. A place you never thought you would go. You will be in good company, and I'm pretty sure you will have the time of your life for 2 weeks. Get Ready.

Love you girl.
Your 24 year old self

Thursday, November 13, 2014

First Impression: Tarte Eye Primer

I'm always on the hunt for a good eye shadow primer. As someone with very oily skin, if I just put eye shadow on without a primer it's creased in 15 minutes. Even with some primers it's creased in an hour and I just spent all that time doing my make-up for nothing. I usually use Urban Decay's Primer Potion, but I heard about Tarte's and decided to give it a try. I must say, it's as good as Urban Decay's, if not better. I put my eye shadow on during the day and it lasted a good 10-11 hours into the night until it creased. I just squirt a little dab on my finger and apply it until I have a nice layer covering my eyelid. I wait between 3-5 minutes to apply my eye shadow to make sure that it is completely dry before I get to work. If you are in an eye primer rut I would totally recommend this product. I was very pleasantly surprised!  

What eye primer do you use?
xo. Jenny Lynn

Monday, November 10, 2014

Target Appreciation Post!

This weekend on a boring Saturday afternoon, I just so happened to stroll into Target, because I realized I haven't walked around my favorite store in a while. I walk in and see Christmas EVERYWHERE! In the dollar section, in the women's clothes section, in the men's clothes section, in its own Christmas section!!! I spent a good almost 2 hours just walking around in everything Christmas. I held back in buying a lot, but I did have to splurge and buy myself some Christmas goodies!

I bought Ghirardelli peppermint hot chocolate, men's skull socks from the dollar section, a kitty Christmas sweatshirt from the men's section, and the "Merry" banner. I also bought a banner that says "fa la la la la" but I forgot to put it in the picture (oops).

Are you buying Christmas stuff yet?? 
xo, Jenny Lynn

Thursday, November 6, 2014

This is Halloween 2014!

Hello my lovelies!

Time flies when you're having fun, I can't believe Halloween is already over. I had so much fun dressing in two different costumes this year. At work we dressed up as super heroes. I wanted to try to do something different (even though I saw many people dress in this costume) and I was Clark Kent for my super hero. Super easy costume to throw together, all I had to buy was a Super Man shirt from Hot Topic.

That night I went to a party with my friends and decided to dress as my favorite villain...Gaston! My friends and I did a Disney villain theme, and  they dressed up as Uncle Scar from Lion King and Cruella Deville. One of my old friends from high school heard I was going to be Gaston and he dressed up as Belle. I must say, he rocked that blue apron! Again, it was a super easy costume to put together, I already had black leggings and brown boots. I bought a red polo and mustard yellow bandanna from WalMart, and used a belt from an old Halloween costume. I love how it turned out!


What were you for Halloween?
xo, Jenny Lynn