Hello there lovelies!
Can you believe it's the last day of 2015?! Where did this year go! I must say that 2015 has been the hardest, but also the best year of my life.
January 1st of 2015 my grandma died. The day that is suppose to be a positive new beginning of things to come turned out to be the hardest day ever. I honestly didn't know how I would go on with a positive outlook for 2015 after such a horrible start. Her death weighed heavily on my heart throughout the whole year. From her funeral to selling her house I didn't want to believe that she was gone. Memories still flood my mind daily. Tomorrow on the anniversary of her death I hope to remember the good times and not dwell on the fact that she's not here. I will look at her death as reminder that life is short and I need to do what makes me happy.
Aside from that, 2015 has been the most amazing year of my life. I stepped out of my comfort zone so many times and grew so much as a person this year. In March I left the country for the first time and went to Sweden, London and Paris. I drank the most amazing coffee, ate the best food, surrounded myself in culture, WALKED ACROSS ABBEY ROAD and fell in love with the Eiffel Tower. It was a short,but life changing trip. It got my feet wet in traveling and I can't wait to go back.

This year another huge thing that happened to me (and all you Disneyland lovers will understand my excitement) I ate at the exclusive restaurant Club 33 at Disneyland! This is at the top of pretty much every Disneyland bucket list and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to go. The only way to get in is if you know a member or to be a member yourself. To get a membership you must be on a wait list for years and pay $25,000 per year to be a member. If you don't have that kind of money (Lord knows I don't) be on the hunt for a member to let you use their membership for a meal! The food was heavenly; the atmosphere was beautiful...and I definitely teared up while in there. It was a Disney dream come true!

Another huge highlight of my year was going to New York! I've always dreamed of going there since I was little and when the opportunity presented itself I knew I had to jump on it! We were only there for 3 days, but we packed so much in! We saw all the beautiful art at the MOMA, went to the Eloise store at the Plaza, went to the 9/11 memorial (so incredibly sad you have no idea), we were audience members at the Jimmy Fallon show and even gave him a high five!

In between these amazing trips and opportunities I still struggled with feeling happy with my everyday life, which leads me to my theme of 2016...doing more of what makes me happy! This year it was a big struggle getting out of bed every morning and going to the same job, doing the same thing, sitting in the same traffic day after day after day. I'm ready for a change and finding something that makes me happy every single day. The routine of life dragged me down and I'm so ready to do more of what makes me happy. More travel, more being with the friends and family that I love, more coffee and more adventures.
Cheers to an amazing 2016, and I can't wait to share it with you all!
xo, Jenny Lynn